5 secrets to earn money during the storm on Wall Street

Now is the time to Fortunes are made
In a world in the twenty-four-hour news cycles, each small piece of data seems monumental reason to start trading stocks in your retirement or brokerage account. The report of the natural gas inventories could think that, even taking a break for a cup of coffee or use the bathroom could destroy the hope for early retirement.

The powerful, undeniable truth is that to make a lot of money does not require a high IQ, or on the market or in business. It takes a merciless cost control, disciplined routine, and emphasizes that the right for the long term. If you're McDonald's franchise and management 401K from his home office, perhaps, Nobel laureate Paul Samuelson said he was the best economic: "Investing should look like paint dry ... If you want excitement, take $ 800 and go to Las Vegas. "I have detailed the nature of this, giving readers a chance to look at my portfolio and dividend shows how my own account prospered in the past three years, despite the terrible market fluctuations, through the collection of well-capitalized and well to the general reserves.

1. Buy shares of good businesses that generate real benefits, attractive stock returns are low to moderate in the debt equity ratio, improved gross profit, shareholder-friendly management, and at least some of franchise value.

2. The U.S. average cost in and out of your positions, buying and selling at fixed rates, set the volume of money. This will allow you to avoid buying or selling at the peak to the bottom.

3. Reinvest your dividends, because it will overload your dollar at an average cost of the program. Works by renowned finance professor Jeremy Siegel have shown time and again that the reinvestment of dividends are a huge component of overall well-being of those who have made their lives investing in the market.

4. Keep your costs low. Think there is no difference between earning 7% and 8.25% for your money? Think again! For 25 years, invest $ 5000 per month in the Roth IRA with hopes retiring at 65, 7% of its revenue will be about $ 998,175 for retirement. 8.25% return would result in $ 1383610 wealth. This is 38,6% more money, or $ 385,435! Place the difference in municipal bonds, and you will receive an additional $ 17,000 + after tax income each year, without touching your principal.

Think about that - the same investments, but with slightly higher returns, will be additional $ 1400 + per month after tax retirement income, do not touch your portfolio. Before taxes, it is about $ 2300 in gross pay when you're working nine to five a day of work. In other words, the additional 1.25% return over 40 years as a $ 27,600 pay raise during your working years. Big difference is that you will not have to deal with the scheduled hours, boss, colleagues or mitigate collect your interest municipal bonds.

Why talk about 1,25% the difference? This is a management fee charged by most actively managed mutual funds. The index fund simply buys and holds stocks of a basket to reflect in the index - most commonly, S and P 500 and Dow Jones Industrial Average. With virtually no expenses, fund only 0.12% of assets annually, or $ 120 for every $ 100,000 you have to work! Two of the most popular index funds from Vanguard and offer Fidelity (check the prospectus for the current expense ratios).

I saw one large wealth management firm offer of S & P 500 Index Fund, which requires almost no work, but the charge of + 1% contribution from each year. Here is a 10x cost Fidelity and Vanguard funds virtually identical product! You've already seen what the consequences might be in a pocket book for several decades. Most investors do not realize the importance of the collection, because the money is automatically deducted from the mutual fund itself. In other words, they should not write so check this case "out of sight, out of mind." (For more information, read all about mutual funds.)

5. Finally, the last secret of the creation of their own destiny, when Wall Street in the storm was to create back-up generators in cash and sources of income. This is one of the most important things you can do to reduce risk. Even if you're a lawyer earning $ 300,000 a year, or an actor making $ 2000000 for the film, you'll have a much more pleasant life, if you know that you do not depend on your next salary to maintain your lifestyle.

My personal favorite use of this method is in Berkshire Hathaway model. That's how my life and structured finance, and he can do it much easier to collect the first few million dollars in capital. In fact, you live out your day of work, funding your retirement from your regular salary. Then you build other cash generators (such as car washes, retail stores, newspaper routes Lifeguard work during the summer, patents, royalties, rental houses, etc.) that you use to create your investment portfolio. Thus, while you do your regular business - go to work, picking up children with staff meetings and putting gas in the car - your cash generators pouring money into your brokerage, pension and other investment accounts. That could shave decades, your quest for financial independence, not to mention protect you if you happen to lose their jobs (in this case, you can temporarily pull money out of cash to pay for your generator living expenses until you can not find a job again). Think of Warren Buffett. If dairy queen were to go bankrupt, he will continue to be rich with GEICO. If it were to go down, he still Nebraska Furniture Mart. If it were destroyed, there is always Benjamin Moore paint. If he is removed, he can always take advantage of Coca-Cola. If it had ceased to exist, there is always the American Express. And Washington Post. And Wells Fargo. And U. S. Bancorp. And Johnson & Johnson. And Borsheim's. And MidAmerican Power. In addition, he makes millions of meetings on various board of directors. It was built from a paper route, provided that his initial capital by more than sixty years ago. Learn from him!

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