Maybe many of you know a lot about how to complain about the cost of auto insurance. This should not be surprising, since most people pay at least several hundred dollars a year on his car. Of course, the premium of the policy is much more costly than because of his driving record, age and other factors. So in fact the opportunity cost of car insurance premiums low and save money?
They can not be without a car, if you have a car, because it is illegal in most states. It also requires a minimum level of liability coverage. Of course, drivers are often smarter than the minimum car insurance, if you want that protection, that is sufficient and appropriate to their needs. What are you doing to save money? You can make the cost of the car in a few simple steps, rather than your policy directly. Here are twelve ways to reduce the cost of auto insurance. However, not all of these ideas for you, but chances are good that there are one or more responsible for their needs.
Twelve ways to save money on auto insurance:
1. Around the store
You do not have the same old policy of automobile insurance for all. It is all to buy, especially when the policy is ready to be extended. If your policy premiums rise, you may find you can use the same type of coverage for less than they pay now. Car insurance rates vary widely among different auto insurance, even though they are all under the same standard auto insurance agency in the area of the border.
2. Make sure that your credit score well
Every car, your credit report if you provide insurance services. The reason is that there is a relationship between people who have bad credit history and other behaviors that are not at risk insurance. People who have their accounts on time, and have a good result, Credit checks, pay less for auto insurance for people who do not.
3. Raise your deductible
The increase in car insurance deductible is another simple way to their car insurance premiums. Increasing your deductible can lower the cost of car insurance in general, as ten percent. You can change your deductible from $ 250 to $ 500, as well as reduce the premium. However, it must be borne in mind that you have the financial means to pay a higher deductible if the accident.
4. Drive less
It does not seem to be necessary, but many of the car you get a discount if they meet the requirements of low mileage. This may, as a rule, about 7500 kilometers per year. If you believe that you can for it, go for it! Some ways to do so is to use public transport, or a group for their daily and sit on the train or fly, if you're going to go on vacation.
5. Drive safely
Once again, a total no-brainer, but if you have a clean driving license for a period of time, you can create a "safe driver" discount. Most insurance companies require the car three years, which were not accidents, speeding up the tickets, convicted of drunken driving, as well as all other moving violations. Most drivers at a discount to ride on safe driving and careful decision-making process and for daily life.
6. Do not use a car for your business
If your car for business purposes, they generally have higher premiums, because it means that car insurance should take more risks in their name. If you do not have to use a car for work, then no.
7. Buy a car with low profile
Auto Insurance car on a scale of risk. This means that the high rate of sports cars and other vehicles, as crude goes to the top of the scale of risk. This is because these vehicles are more likely to be stolen, and people tend to drive the outcome of bad trips, including reckless motion and speed, and many others. If you drive a high-profile vehicle, be prepared to pay more for car insurance, when the driver of a limousine or other vehicle with less risk.
8. Keep your car in the garage at night
Auto insurance gives you a discount if your car in the garage at night. This is because the car is working in the garage to lower the risk of vandalism, theft or other motorists. Discounts are usually small, but every bit helps to reduce insurance premiums for cars.
9. Moving to another area
People in rural communities are generally less crime and less congestion, people live in urban areas of the city. This is because the city can be stolen vehicles, vandalism, as a result of an accident, as well as more wear and tear of vehicles in rural areas. Thus, the auto insurance will be less than rural drivers. Of course, you can not only save money on car insurance, but may be problems if you think about it, from one area to another.
10. Install security and anti-theft device
Auto insurance companies offer discounts for safety devices such as automatic seat belts, antilock braking systems and airbags. They also offer discounts for anti-theft devices such as alarm systems and monitoring systems, which track the vehicle if it is stolen.
11. Check the multi-family housing and multiple policy discounts
Most insurance companies offer discounts if your car is also for other types of insurance, too. For example, your home and auto insurance through the same company. It may also be a discount for more than a car with the same company.
12. Further discounts
Most auto insurance companies offer discounts based on several criteria. Learn about discounts for members of AAA, safe driving courses, or a loyal customer.
You never know until you ask!
Twelve ways to save money on car insurance
Labels: Insurance
Other countries affected by political instability: Aon
NEW YORK contracting credit markets and more countries are threatened by political instability this year, according to the analysis of Aon Risk Services.
Aon annual political risk is considered high risk, that in the past year and a new category of "high risk" for the seven countries, whose situation has changed significantly in recent years: Afghanistan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Iran, Iraq, North Korea, Somalia and Zimbabwe.
"The threats to these countries, only continues to deteriorate," Miles Johnstone, Director of Political Risk, Aon, said in a statement. "It is to such an extent that, although we have been able to reach some customers in some of these areas, which are not always available."
In particular, the report concludes that the threat of further decline in the price of oil, metals and other commodities will be more countries, the risk of instability. During the economic crisis, governments often have fewer resources to financial problems, Aon said.
"The volatility of world prices in the 1970's and early 1980's, contributed to political and economic instability in some countries," Roger Schwartz, senior vice president of Aon Trade Credit, said in a statement. "Countries that have recently benefited from high prices suffer as the (price) fall."
The report examines the country's political stability, its dependence on commodity exports, and fluctuations in the prices of exports in the short and long term financial planning and the quality of economic management.
Aon also in eight countries with low and medium risk and low risk, taking into account the impact of the credit crisis: Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia and Slovenia. Malaysia and Mauritania, as well as risky.
But a new study ranking 13 countries: Egypt, Algeria, Benin, Cameroon, Colombia, Kuwait, Lesotho, Libya, Malawi, Moldova, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia and Turkmenistan.
The United States won the 137-meters of the 209 countries that have a low risk in general. Zimbabwe rank as the country's highest risk.
Aon has a map of political risk in the year for the past 16 years. Analysis of interviews with analysts and insurance company in London, U.S. and other countries about the threat of terrorism, war, riots and strikes, the failure of government bonds and other threats in several countries. He also uses the analysis of Oxford, England based consultancy Oxford Analytica Ltd. in a country's legal framework and the vulnerability of the chain there.
Labels: Global Market, Insurance, Investment
Former vice-president of AIG sentenced to 4 years in the reinsurance plan
Former vice-president of insurance American International Group Inc. (AIG) was sentenced to four years in prison for his role in a fraudulent scheme to manipulate AIG Finally, in accordance with the Department of Justice.
Christian M. Milton, 61, of Wynnewood, Pennsylvania, and vice-president of AIG Reinsurance 1982 to March 2005, was convicted by federal jury on Feb. 25, 2008 on charges of conspiracy, securities fraud, false statements by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and mail fraud.
AIG shareholders have lost at least $ 544 million as a result of this scheme, according to the court.
In addition to imprisonment, Milton was the U. S. District Judge Christopher F. Droney two years probation period after his release from prison and a fine of $ 200000. Milton was to surrender to federal authorities for 60 days.
Prosecutors evidence that during the trial showed that Milton and his co-defendant, Ronald E. Ferguson, Elizabeth A. Monroe, Robert D. Graham, and Christopher P. Garand, all former executive of General Reinsurance Corp. officials in a scheme to inflate AIG falsely reported reserves, which is an important indicator of financial health insurance industry analysts and investors. The research evidence that fraud took place through the use of two sham reinsurance transactions between subsidiaries of AIG and the exploitation of the General Re, in response to criticism from analysts to reduce the $ 59 billion in AIG stock losses in the third quarter of 2000.
The two sham transactions, exploitation, prosecutors have shown to increase the reserves AIG $ 250 million in the fourth quarter of 2000 and $ 250 million in the first quarter of 2001, the trend of concealing the loss of reserves due to rising premiums. Experiments have shown that this question AIG confirmed that the filing with the SEC in May 2005. Evidence in the production said that the result was disclosed to investors, AIG and through various media of 14 and 14 February, in March 2005, shares of AIG populations ranged from $ 73.12 to $ 61.92.
Five defendants were found guilty on all charges against him, instead of 16-count indictment. Then, 31 October 2008, Judge Droney found that the shareholders of AIG lost $ 544 million and $ 597 million as a result of the defendant's fraudulent scheme.
Last month, Ronald Ferguson, former chief executive of General Re, has been to two years' imprisonment and a fine of $ 200,000 for his role in the fraud. Three other former General Re - Garand, Monrad and Graham - have not yet been sentenced.
General Re is Warren Buffett of Berkshire Hathaway Inc.
According to evidence at the trial stage, each of the defendants knew that the real purpose of the transaction to allow AIG to falsely report an increase of reserves in their statements to analysts, investors and the SEC. The defendants structured a sham reinsurance transaction that is in accordance with the evidence in court, and a wrong way to the paper, make it appear as if they were AIG General Re reinsurance, when tests showed that the parties knew AIG transaction, I would like to manage its financial reporting.
In addition, evidence that during the trial showed that the defendants had a secret agreement that AIG will not have to pay for the loss of contracts, AIG would return to Gen Re $ 10 million in payment of AIG and General Re AIG paid General Re $ 5 million fee to the transaction.
According to prosecutors, Milton, when he was a former Director General of the General Director of Maurice "Hank" Greenberg, AIG resignation in 2005, has denied knowledge of the unauthorized transactions, and not to attack.
After leaving AIG in March 2005, Milton Greenberg is set to work in its current businesses CV Starr and to the insurance and investments.
Source: U. S. Department of Justice
Contact: U. S. Department of Justice Office of Public Relations,
+1-202-514-2008, TDD: +1-202-514-1888
Labels: Global Market, Insurance
5 steps for the filing of a claim from a car
1. In order to assess any claims: Do you know if your insurance with the question of the possibility of filing a claim, often in insurance? It is important to include in a safe and clean is the way to determine whether they are right. Incidentally, whether it is your fault or not, you should ask if you pay for the damage. In short, if you pay for themselves, without any financial difficulties, but not a requirement.
2. Enter What to do after an accident: The table that you click on a name for the print media, it will help you to understand, review the information needed to ensure its demand for car insurance. It is important that all the details of the accident, in a document and try to find witnesses, talk to your insurance company to establish its history.
3. File claim as soon as possible: You can file a lawsuit as quickly as possible with your insurance company. Even if this is not your fault, your insurance company will handle claims lawyer.
4. Preparing for the possible call from the other types of insurance: If there is a dispute between the two parties in an accident, you can call the other driver's insurance to ask their version of what happened on the scene. If so, make sure that everything stated in the document, and on behalf of the customer-service agent, who talked too much.
5. Finally you get your car: If you replace the damage to your vehicle if it is finally resolved. After your application, you can get a call from their insurance company on the transfer of the insurance regulator to assess the damage, or ask your car to the previously approved business to be established.
Brokers: questions in the search
What is an insurance broker?
The insurance broker is working for you instead of insurance. The agent for an insurance company, and offers only policy, but the agent with all the companies to find the best price for you. The broker will help in the search for a policy that best suits your needs, it helps to complain and solve all the problems, if necessary.
How can I find it?
Word of mouth, usually works best when the search for an insurance broker. Ask friends, relatives, employees, and if they are satisfied with the results. You can also use the national insurance brokers Australia website (, to assist agents in your area.
What should I ask?
To behold Haría al contratar nadie para cuidar de Sus necesidades, are querrá preguntar su Agente de Seguros posibles some of the paragraph asegurarse de QUE EL / Ella he PERFECTA item are.
Experience. First, you want to hear about the qualifications of agents. Just because someone in the area of insurance, does not mean that you are a qualified intermediary in the transaction. An insurance agent must be approved by the Australian Securities and Investment Commission. You want to get into a professional identity as a member of NIBA.
* Service. Ask what an agent for insurance. If you have a Small Business and life insurance, and the corridor is only compatible with life, you can elsewhere.
* The client list of sizes. Size matters. Like a fish in the pond can be a major clean little attention. On the other hand, if your company is big with the mediator, who handles mostly personal insurance, he could not understand the scope of your business. It is important that you deal with your agent know your needs are met, despite the burden of his client.
Experience. Make sure that the broker, the level of experience to your needs. While there is nothing wrong in the corridor, which only works if you just insurance, but more detailed analysis or complex cases the experience. They also want their potential broker with experience in the area need. Broker management business, in particular, on the basis of insurance is probably not the best option for life insurance.
* Staff. Ask the staff. This is qualified to your questions? Learn more about the sale, such as disgruntled employees can be a difficult relationship you want to avoid treatment. Learn about the availability of personnel and staff. Is it after work? Look for a broker is not available after hours, but if you're outside working hours at some point in the policy or how to make a claim.
* Links. Ask if the broker has a client list, you can transfer. Make sure you call when they are in the house. Learn more about your experience with the broker, and 100% satisfied with the performance so far. If clients are satisfied that the problem would not have to sing praises in the corridor.
Finally, you are in the corridor. Assessing the response he had received up to an acceptable level, experience, skills and interest to their needs. If you believe that you will get on this corridor, and meet the requirements, you can feel comfortable in their choice. If you have a little doubt, several other runners to find the perfect for your insurance.
Labels: Insurance
Why is it important for insurance
If you are responsible for their relatives or survivors pay for his funeral to arrange financial matters, service existing debts and their current standard of living without you? This is why life insurance is very important.
If you are seriously injured in hospital costs for their ongoing treatment, release from work, pay the cost of living for you and your family until he is fully recovered when you are fully recovered?. That is why a permanent total disability insurance is very important.
If you are injured and can no longer be able to operate their services to debtors and to maintain the standard of living? This is the reason why you have income insurance.
If he is in a car accident with two other cars, and found that the accident was your fault, you would go to the auto show and buy a new car, pay for the repair or replacement of two other cars, and pay for medical bills of other drivers and passengers ? That is why car insurance is important.
If you are ill and need immediate treatment in hospital, but the wait is a giant in the field of public health, and long delays will worsen to such an extent that treatment is very expensive. That is why health insurance is essential.
If your house and their belongings stolen, you can use all the elements, all paid, and the material damage caused by thieves? This is the reason the home and contents insurance is important.
If you have a business, and someone was injured on their premises, which are more than a step or injured during the robbery, you can use the cost of treatment and court costs and impending resolutions? That is why liability insurance is important.
If your company is not paying with a credit problem of cash flow can afford to pay the standard fee, or other means to rent, staff, services and pay the rent? This is the reason why the insured value is important.
Insurance is usually cheaper and the cost of all these scenarios sound far, far less than trying to service them when they occur. Only a situation that does not go their way, of course, the cost of insurance. Are you a 100% record to use?
At some point you're likely to need insurance. Act on average, is at some point may be bad, or you will get stolen or lost luggage or your flight, your car accident, and that something in the future.
Insurance is not only important that it is necessary. If you own the rich and the strong consistent income can not be at the level of expenditure if they conform to safety.
Labels: Insurance
In addition to traditional SMART Goals
Years ago, in the business world that seems more remote with each passing day, the goals of SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-based goals) were enough to support business success. No more.
Just as the annual certification of achieving a year and the annual increase was a dinosaur, as well as the goals of SMART, traditionally defined for the purpose of the exercises. Now, do not misunderstand me. I believe in order to establish.
Setting goals is the basis for personal and business success. It is time, however, in the business environment existing today, to expand the meaning of SMART goals. And, perhaps, one word on the letter is not enough to identify useful acronym. Stretch your imagination with me as we are look at the words that define the success of the objectives in order to establish.
SMART Abbreviated New defined for the purposes of
* I will start with S. In addition to the specific, not stretching, systematic, synergistic significant changes, and round out the picture?
* M is measurable, but I also recommend meaningful, memorable, motivating, and even magic.
* A is an achievable goal, but also must be a plan of action, accountability, discernment and coherent.
* R appropriate means, but it is also in favor of a realistic, reasonable, resonating, results-oriented, rewarding, responsible, reliable, rooted in facts and wonderful.
* T means time-based, and is also a timely, substantive and thoughtful.
The rapidly changing demands Direction: Goal Setting
So, you have to desert SMART goals in the current working environment? Not at all. But you have to broaden its meaning, if the objective determination of the acronym, SMART, is to serve you well in the current and coming business climate.
Events in the workplace are moving faster and faster. To remain competitive, it is necessary to change management based on customer requirements, sometimes daily. Your goal should be the same flexibility. The performance management system, therefore, considered the goal, at least once a quarter. Hop on the new SMART goals Express, as Alice said proverbial Cheshire Cat, "You tell me, please, how I should go from here?"
It depends more on where you want to get there, "said Cote.
`I'm not as much attention, where - 'said Alice.
`Then no matter what way you go, 'said Cote."
In today's competitive business climate, it is a matter which way you go. Revised SMART goals will help you get there.
Making Dream: Six steps to achieve your goals and Solutions
Do not let your goals and resolutions fall by the wayside. Most likely, to achieve their dreams and live your love, those goals and resolutions are critical. Setting goals and achieving goals is easier if you follow these six steps to effectively and successfully to establish and implement the resolution.
* You must deeply desire and purpose of the resolution. Napoleon Hill in his landmark book, to think and grow rich, she is right. "The starting point of all achievement is desire. Keep this constantly in mind. Slabý desire to bring weak results, as well as a small number of fires is a small amount of heat. Thus, your first step to setting and achieving your dreams is that you have really, really want to achieve this goal.
* Show themselves to achieving this goal. Lee Iacocca said: "The greatest discovery of my generation is that people can change their lives by altering their attitude of mind." What would you want to achieve? How does your life will evolve differently as a result? If the goal is the thing, some gurus of the goals we recommend you save the image of the item, where you can see, and reminded of it every day. If you can not imagine the picture to an end, most likely - you will not.
* Make a plan on the road must be followed to achieve this goal. New steps to follow. Defining the critical path. The critical path determines the major accomplishments of-ments, the most important steps that must happen for that to become reality. Stephen Covey said: "All things are created twice. There in the mental or the creation of the first and second person or the creation of all things. You have to make sure that the plan, the first creation, in fact, what you want, that you ve thought everything through. Then put it into bricks and mortar. Every day you are going to build a shed and pull out a plan to get marching orders for the day. You begin with the end in ". He's right.
* Commit to achieve record purposes. Lee Iacocca said: "The discipline of writing something down is the first step towards doing so." I fully agree. Write down a plan of action steps and critical path. Somehow record purpose, plan and schedule of events set in motion that may not have happened otherwise. In my life, it is as if I am doing a deep commitment to achieving it. I can not delude ourselves later. Written goal was the goal.
* Set the time to check your progress in the calendar system, regardless of it: a day planner, PDA, phone or PDA hand written list. If you're not making progress or feel the impasse, let your optimism to keep you from achieving your goals. No matter how positively you think you need to evaluate your lack of progress. Take a pessimist view, it will probably have to go wrong. Look at all these factors to you from achieving your goals and develop a plan to overcome them. Add these action plans in the calendar system, as part of your plan to achieve the goal.
* Changes in the overall progress regularly. Make sure that you are making progress. If you're not making progress, rent a bus, the support of loved ones, to analyze why the goals were not met. Do not aim simply disappear. Find out what you'd like to meet him. Check up to five steps, starting with an assessment of how much you really want to achieve the goal.
This six goals and achievements of the system seems simple, but it is the most powerful system you can find everything in order to achieve your goals and your life resolutions. You just have to do it. With best wishes and good luck.
Make Strategic planning works
The development of a strategic culture to the successful implementation of strategic planning.
Strategic planning for implementation lies in how to make changes to whatever happens in your organization. Start by answering why your organization might begin the process of strategic planning and implementation. Want to be one of the organizations in which employees understand the mission and goals? They are 29 percent higher than the return of other firms. This seems like a good reason to start strategic planning exercise for me. How about you?
Keys to the success of the implementation of strategic planning
It is the key to effective implementation of strategic planning for your business.
* Name and active support of the executive branch,
* Effective communication,
* The participation of workers
* Careful planning and competitive analysis, and
* Broad understanding of the need for strategic planning.
In carrying out your strategic planning in the organizational environment that has a worker-oriented, with a high level of confidence, you start implementing the strategic plan with a huge advantage. An additional plus is an organization that already thinks strategically.
Unfortunately, the implementation of strategic planning, most often occurs as the organization moves from the traditional reactionary policy. So often, learn to think strategically is part of strategic planning, implementation of training.
The full and active support to the Executive for the success of strategic planning
The successful implementation of strategic planning requires a large commitment on the part of managers and senior managers, irrespective of the strategic planning that is happening in the department or the full organization. Leaders must lead, support, follow-up, and live the results of the strategic planning of the implementation process. Or, strategic planning, the process will fail. It's that easy.
Without the full commitment of the organization, managers do not even begin strategic planning. Participants will feel confusing and deceptive. Vision and mission, and this year's tasks, unfulfilled filed in a cupboard or a computer, is a serious source of negativity and poor employee morale.
Senior managers can do the following to create a successful strategic planning process of implementation.
* Create a clear vision for the strategic planning of the implementation process. Paint a picture, when the organization will eventually, and the expected result. Make sure the picture is a reality, not what people "want" will occur. Make sure that key employees know "why" The organization is changing.
* Appoints executive champion or leader who "owns" the strategic planning, implementation, and makes a number of other senior managers, as well as other relevant people in the organization, taking part.
Recession Planning for Employees
The leaders of an interview with Price Waterhouse Coopers in the 11th annual survey of director of economic confidence showed low levels of confidence in the continuation of growth since 2003 in North America (35%) and Western Europe (44%). In North America, the figure fell from 53% last year. In the Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Central and Eastern Europe, the leaders have shown a much greater confidence in the continuation of economic growth and business growth.
Given the decline in confidence CEOS in the United States, and all the talk about a potential recession in the U.S. and Western Europe, that you made in your company or department for planning the possibility that the slowdown becomes more severe and the consequences of your employees?
Here are some of the action, I am thinking about the decline in the planning for employees, for your human resources department and other agencies as part of its business, possibly for the whole company, if recession looms.
On the whole company or a departmental response to the anticipation of a recession
* Take a look at your strategic plan, your mission statement, vision, values, goals and annual. Is your strategic framework is formulated to help you make it through a serious recession? Has it been sufficiently communicated to your staff that they are not afraid, they trust their leadership and they believe that they managed in general, a positive direction?
To take part in the conversation is an important commitment for the use of your employee's talent and dedication. Discussion of the consequences of your strategic framework: mission, vision, values and goals of each employee's work is a step that will help their "own" the strategic direction. Without this step - they are simply puzzled. Sorry.
* Be aware of your company and your industry problems. Is your product or service is needed, regardless of what happens in the economy? Your product saves time, saves money, or otherwise make themselves indispensable, even in the economy down? If not immediately determine how you can re your product or service that customers are starting to see it that way. Clients and the recognition of the brand you have created with the passage of time will become even more important in an economic downturn.
* You made a plan to identify your potential risks and impacts of the economic downturn in your business or function? With the possible scenarios are likely to grow your organization? What would you do differently in the various scenarios that you believe in the short term, that is, any way you can change the potential consequences of different scenarios? For example, what areas of your department of human resources need to change or grow up to combat an economic downturn? Staffing? Benefits? Officer morale programs? Retirement Planning? Training of channels?
* You must inform you that your leadership team makes forward thinking, forward planning, as well as discuss possible less than positive contingencies. Most employees do not care what the specific plan. But it is important for their preservation and sense of well-being that there is a plan that they know the plan exists, and that they understand that somebody really minding shop. And, in my experience, even the best of bad communication all.
Labels: Global Market, Planning, Tips
How to get rid of credit card debt
Step-by-step guide to Exit from debt.
To get out of debt, you should:
1. Your grade debt
Back to start debt reduction efforts to find out how much debt you have to deal with, and how you're going to solve this problem.
2. Create a budget
A well-thought-out budget will help you get out of debt and stay out of debt. Spend a few hours of going on over the finances, and then create a budget, which severs depending on your credit card. Cash-only is the goal here OUT.
3. Cut your costs
To free up money for debt repayment, you will have to reduce their costs. Look for ways to reduce the electric bill, telephone bills, homeowner insurance, auto insurance and all other laws. Challenge yourself to eat out less, cut your grocery bill and take the free or inexpensive hobby. Then apply your savings directly to your debt, and use the knowledge that you are one step closer to a debt-free life.
4. Start Saving
Getting out of debt, how much of the debt repayment as on the avoidance of new debt. That is why it is important to prepare for the unexpected - car repairs, medical bills, time from work - basically any costs that may cause you to pull out that credit card and start spending again. Assess the extent to which the cushion you need to protect themselves from surprise expenses, and then set that amount in the contingency fund. If you can not afford to fully fund the account now, it's fine, just make a small amount each month until you reach your savings goals.
5. Attack your debt
When all the previous steps, it's time to start attacking your debt. Take the money that you are liberated from your new budget, and reduce costs, and apply it to your debt. Then, keep at it, until your debt is paid in full. This may take some time, but if you stick to this plan, we'll take you to that finish line is stronger, happier - and most important - a long free man!
Get control of your budget
This is a new year and time for new goals. One goal is the total financial budget. The budget is indeed the most important step in the implementation of controls over the financial future. The budget will help you know where you spend money, and make the necessary changes to stop overspending. Here are five main objectives of the budget to more complex budget surplus. If you can use only one of these objectives in the budget this year, you can reach your financial goals more easily.
1. Setting up and after the Budget
If you have never been to the budget, then your goal should be to create the next budget for this year. This is not a difficult task, but it takes some discipline and work. It is important to understand that it takes several months to settle in the working budget for you. In addition, the budget may vary from month to month according to your needs and operating costs. The two main goals are to spend less than you earn, and you know where your money is going. If you have a working budget, you can work on other goals of saving money and out of debt.
2. Track your spending each month
This simple goal of budgeting should be to make your budget work for you. If you do not know where you spend your money, it is very difficult to change their habits. If you budget Pro, you can go back to that goal, to see if there are any areas you can improve now. You can do this in a broad-based perspective on the general categories, or use the opportunity to break it into smaller categories in your broad categories. For example, looking at your grocery budget How much you spend on convenience foods or alcohol, or a restaurant? Can you change the amount for the better?
3. Balance Your Checkbook every month
This objective corresponds to track costs, but it also can help prevent common mistakes and errors of bank overdraft. You can break into smaller tasks, such as tracking of your account every night, and the balance between your statement each month. This may be a simple process if you have a budgeting / money software.
4. Save Money on Your Biggest Spending Categories
If you had a working budget for the time, you can take up the challenge of cutting your costs in specific categories each month. Look at your budget to determine which category you can save more money in. Most people can find ways to reduce their food, entertainment and transportation categories without much effort. Challenge yourself to cut costs by at least three categories.
5. Save more money this year
This goal requires input more money into your savings account than in the past year. This is a goal that you have to work on after you got out of debt, because you can not make sense to save money when you pay a higher amount than you earn. This goal can be achieved in the umber of ways, and you may want to set specific goals for your retirement, your emergency fund and any other savings.
Labels: Planning
Top 3 ways to make your money work for you
One of the biggest differences between the rich and the not so rich, that rich people earn interest, and the rest pays interest. It is important to understand that money is a tool that will help you achieve your goals. To ensure that you achieve true financial independence you need to have your money start working for you - you're not for it. Here are three things you can do to start making money work for you.
1. Budget
The most important way to change the way you your money in the budget. The budget you make your money do what you want. By assigning a dollar for each category, you control where your money goes and what it does. This will help you begin to achieve your financial goals.
2. Get out of debt
Do you know how much money you pay interest each month? How much of your monthly budget now is the work of student loans, car payments and credit card bills? If you could take advantage of all that money and put it into retirement, it is surprising how quickly you can save for your retirement and other things that you want. Debt is often a burden, and limits the choices that you can do. One of the best things you can do with your money is to get out of debt and stay out of debt!
How to create a plan for debt repayment
3. Save your money
Once you've released all that additional funds from the repayment of your debts, you need to start saving aggressively. There will be a time when the money you will earn more than you do in a month. It takes very little money, and so, for this you need to put large sums of money each month. If you have a six-month emergency fund saved, you will need to begin to invest their money. This is how you can grow your wealth more effectively. In addition to saving money will help you be prepared to cope with the ups and downs that will occur throughout your life.
Labels: Investment, Tips
5 secrets to earn money during the storm on Wall Street
Now is the time to Fortunes are made
In a world in the twenty-four-hour news cycles, each small piece of data seems monumental reason to start trading stocks in your retirement or brokerage account. The report of the natural gas inventories could think that, even taking a break for a cup of coffee or use the bathroom could destroy the hope for early retirement.
The powerful, undeniable truth is that to make a lot of money does not require a high IQ, or on the market or in business. It takes a merciless cost control, disciplined routine, and emphasizes that the right for the long term. If you're McDonald's franchise and management 401K from his home office, perhaps, Nobel laureate Paul Samuelson said he was the best economic: "Investing should look like paint dry ... If you want excitement, take $ 800 and go to Las Vegas. "I have detailed the nature of this, giving readers a chance to look at my portfolio and dividend shows how my own account prospered in the past three years, despite the terrible market fluctuations, through the collection of well-capitalized and well to the general reserves.
1. Buy shares of good businesses that generate real benefits, attractive stock returns are low to moderate in the debt equity ratio, improved gross profit, shareholder-friendly management, and at least some of franchise value.
2. The U.S. average cost in and out of your positions, buying and selling at fixed rates, set the volume of money. This will allow you to avoid buying or selling at the peak to the bottom.
3. Reinvest your dividends, because it will overload your dollar at an average cost of the program. Works by renowned finance professor Jeremy Siegel have shown time and again that the reinvestment of dividends are a huge component of overall well-being of those who have made their lives investing in the market.
4. Keep your costs low. Think there is no difference between earning 7% and 8.25% for your money? Think again! For 25 years, invest $ 5000 per month in the Roth IRA with hopes retiring at 65, 7% of its revenue will be about $ 998,175 for retirement. 8.25% return would result in $ 1383610 wealth. This is 38,6% more money, or $ 385,435! Place the difference in municipal bonds, and you will receive an additional $ 17,000 + after tax income each year, without touching your principal.
Think about that - the same investments, but with slightly higher returns, will be additional $ 1400 + per month after tax retirement income, do not touch your portfolio. Before taxes, it is about $ 2300 in gross pay when you're working nine to five a day of work. In other words, the additional 1.25% return over 40 years as a $ 27,600 pay raise during your working years. Big difference is that you will not have to deal with the scheduled hours, boss, colleagues or mitigate collect your interest municipal bonds.
Why talk about 1,25% the difference? This is a management fee charged by most actively managed mutual funds. The index fund simply buys and holds stocks of a basket to reflect in the index - most commonly, S and P 500 and Dow Jones Industrial Average. With virtually no expenses, fund only 0.12% of assets annually, or $ 120 for every $ 100,000 you have to work! Two of the most popular index funds from Vanguard and offer Fidelity (check the prospectus for the current expense ratios).
I saw one large wealth management firm offer of S & P 500 Index Fund, which requires almost no work, but the charge of + 1% contribution from each year. Here is a 10x cost Fidelity and Vanguard funds virtually identical product! You've already seen what the consequences might be in a pocket book for several decades. Most investors do not realize the importance of the collection, because the money is automatically deducted from the mutual fund itself. In other words, they should not write so check this case "out of sight, out of mind." (For more information, read all about mutual funds.)
5. Finally, the last secret of the creation of their own destiny, when Wall Street in the storm was to create back-up generators in cash and sources of income. This is one of the most important things you can do to reduce risk. Even if you're a lawyer earning $ 300,000 a year, or an actor making $ 2000000 for the film, you'll have a much more pleasant life, if you know that you do not depend on your next salary to maintain your lifestyle.
My personal favorite use of this method is in Berkshire Hathaway model. That's how my life and structured finance, and he can do it much easier to collect the first few million dollars in capital. In fact, you live out your day of work, funding your retirement from your regular salary. Then you build other cash generators (such as car washes, retail stores, newspaper routes Lifeguard work during the summer, patents, royalties, rental houses, etc.) that you use to create your investment portfolio. Thus, while you do your regular business - go to work, picking up children with staff meetings and putting gas in the car - your cash generators pouring money into your brokerage, pension and other investment accounts. That could shave decades, your quest for financial independence, not to mention protect you if you happen to lose their jobs (in this case, you can temporarily pull money out of cash to pay for your generator living expenses until you can not find a job again). Think of Warren Buffett. If dairy queen were to go bankrupt, he will continue to be rich with GEICO. If it were to go down, he still Nebraska Furniture Mart. If it were destroyed, there is always Benjamin Moore paint. If he is removed, he can always take advantage of Coca-Cola. If it had ceased to exist, there is always the American Express. And Washington Post. And Wells Fargo. And U. S. Bancorp. And Johnson & Johnson. And Borsheim's. And MidAmerican Power. In addition, he makes millions of meetings on various board of directors. It was built from a paper route, provided that his initial capital by more than sixty years ago. Learn from him!
Labels: Investment, Retirement, Stock
Six steps to a pension Rich
Simple Keys to your golden years Spent Comfortably
1. Time is money to start today
The most important key to retiring rich is to start saving as soon as possible. Many workers, tied for cash or eying major purchase, telling themselves they can make up for lost time due to increase in future years. Unfortunately, money does not work this way. With the power of compound interest, cash invested today a disproportionate impact on the well-being in retirement.
To put the matter in the future, consider two possible scenarios, as a retirement age of 65 years and is compounded by an annual yield of 10%.
John is 40 years old and invests $ 20,000 a year retirement. Charlotte 21 years and invest $ 5000 a year of retirement. By the time all of these people to retire, they invested $ 400,000 and $ 220,000 respectively. Nevertheless, since the government compound interest, he would have to retire with half the money, as Charlotte, despite investing twice as much! (John will resign from $ 1.97 million, Charlotte with $ 3.26 million).
Moral stories? Stop robbing your future to pay today.
2. The maximum size of the annual contribution limit on your IRA
When it comes to the IRA contribution limits, Uncle Sam motto seems to be "use it or lose it." Employees who have not done the maximum contribution to their traditional or Roth IRA to the date of the flat lucky if they are in their mid-fifties and get catch-up contributions.
3. In full conformity with the employer
Many companies will match up to fifty percent of the contributions of workers to make their 401K and other retirement accounts. If you are lucky enough to work for such matters (and millions of Americans) to take advantage of the full! If you do not, you just walk away from free money.
4. Do not cash out your retirement, when you change jobs.
If you're anything like the average American worker, the chances of a fairly significant change you are going to work at some point during your career. When this happens, the most stupid, what would you do is cash in your retirement plan. Instead, roll over the proceeds into an IRA or your new employer's 401K plan. In addition, to avoid tax penalties, you can keep your money working for you without tax. Given enough time (you have already seen that the power of a few decades could be at first glance, a small amount of money), it literally can mean the difference between holiday in Tahiti, and do not take a job in the Golden Arch to supplement your income
5. Avoid IRA withdrawal fees
There are many ways of withdrawing money from your retirement account in the event of an emergency. Before you even think about it is absolutely sure that you have done everything necessary to get - otherwise you get a very unpleasant and expensive after a call when you are beaten perhaps thousands of dollars of fees and fines.
6. Expand Pie
It is not only to reduce costs - to find a way to earn more money! Taking on the job or of turning a hobby into a business enterprise, you can create additional revenue streams to fund your retirement. In many cases, this is an excellent alternative for reducing costs, since it allows you to save your current standard of living, while at the same time for your future.
Labels: Investment, Tips
All About Dividends
Companies that earn a profit can do one of three things: pay that profit out to shareholders, reinvest it in the business through expansion, debt reduction or share repurchases, or both. When a portion of the profit is paid out to shareholders, the payment is known as a dividend. During the first part of the twentieth century, dividends were the primary reason investors purchased stock. It was literally said on Wall Street, "the purpose of a company is to pay dividends".
Today, the investor's view is a bit more refined; it could be stated, instead, as, "the purpose of a company is to increase my wealth." Indeed, today's investor looks to dividends and capital gains as a source of increase. Microsoft, for example, did not pay a dividend until it had already become a $ 350 billion company, long after making the company's founders and long-term shareholders multi-millionaires or billionaires. The Process Dividends must be declared (ie, approved) by a company's Board of Directors each time they are paid. There are three important dates to remember regarding dividends. * Declaration date: The declaration date is the day the Board of Director's announces their intention to pay a dividend. On this day, the company creates a liability on its books; it now owes the money to the stockholders. On the declaration date, the Board will also announce a date of record and a payment date.
* Date of record: This date is also known as "ex-dividend" date. It is the day upon which the stockholders of record are entitled to the upcoming dividend payment. According to Barron's, a stock will usually begin trading ex-dividend or ex-rights the fourth business day before the payment date. In other words, only the owners of the shares on or before that date will receive the dividend. If you purchased shares of Coca-Cola after the ex-dividend date, you would not receive its upcoming dividend payment; the investor from whom you purchased your shares would. * Payment date: This is the date the dividend will actually be given to the shareholders of company. A vast majority of dividends are paid four times a year on a quarterly basis. This means that when an investor sees that Coca-Cola pays an $ 0.88 dividend, he will actually receive $ 0.22 per share four times a year. Some companies, such as McDonald's, pay dividends on an annual basis.
All dividends
Companies that profit can do one of three things: pay that profit to shareholders, to reinvest in its business through expansion, debt reduction or share repurchases, or both. As part of the profit paid to shareholders, the payment is called a dividend.
During the first part of the twentieth century, dividends were the main reason investors bought stocks. He literally said on Wall Street, the company's mission is to pay dividends. " Today, an investor finds a little bit better, it may be, however, as the goal is to increase my wealth. " Indeed, today's investor is counting on dividends and capital gains as a source of growth. Microsoft, for example, do not pay dividends until it has become a $ 350 billion company, long after the founders and long-term shareholders of the multi-millionaires and billionaires.
Dividends must be declared (eg, approved) in the company, the board of directors, each time they were paid. There are three important dates to remember about dividends.
* Declaration Date: Announcement of the date of the day the Board of Directors announces its intention to pay dividends. On this day, the company creates a liability for his book, he now must be the money of shareholders. To date, the declaration, the Council will also announce the date of registration and the date of payment.
* Entry Date: This date is also known as the "ex-dividend date. On this day, at which shareholders of record are eligible for the upcoming dividend payment. According to Barron's, shares tend to begin trading ex-dividend or ex-rights fourth day until the date of payment. In other words, only the owners of the shares not later than that date will receive dividends. If you bought shares of Coca-Cola after the ex-dividend date, you will not receive its upcoming dividend payment, an investor from whom you purchased your shares be.
* Payment Date: This is actually the date of dividend will be paid to shareholders.
The vast majority of dividends paid out four times a year on a quarterly basis. This means that when an investor sees that the Coca-Cola pays $ 0.88 dividend, he will receive $ 0.22 per share to four times a year. Some companies, such as McDonald's, to pay dividends on an annual basis.
Labels: Investment