In all variants of health insurance that can be overwhelming with choosing the right health insurance. Each state offers different health insurance options based on the laws in this state. California residents of one of the largest selection of health insurance available today. This guide will help you to understand, eighty percent of all health insurance options in California.
When comparing health insurance plans, there are three categories that you see. Three categories: business consulting, medicine, and that the tax base.
1. Office consultation. In most health insurance plans have a copayment or coinsurance to pay for office consultations. In copayment or co-insurance is usually not too big a franchise plan. A copayment is a fixed amount, like $ 30 per trip. Coinsurance is a fixed percentage of 30% for the visit. One example of co-insurance would be as follows:
Visit our office: $ 100 free
Negotiation procedures: price $ 60
Co-insurance: 30%
In this case, members pay 30% of the agreed rate of $ 60 totaling $ 18 collection, transportation, the network physician or provider registered to participate in this network. Usually this is a PPO-type plans.
The office co-payment or co-insurance only for a consultation. If the doctor will carry out the procedure for a laboratory or other services, in addition to consultation, these costs in the third section, as well as in co-payments or coinsurance.
Office consultation is the key in the search for California in its budget for health insurance from the individual families or small groups of insurance. You often "$ 25" or "30%" in the results.
In a brief note. CSA qualified high-deductible plans, consultation visit to the main deductible. This means that you must have a deductible and copayment or coinsurance benefits. You will receive an agreed rate, to see the network, even if the power of the taxable base. For example, in the previous case, it would pay $ 60 as part of your franchise. Some plans are not all office visits. As a rule, less expensive hospital or catastrophic coverage plans.
2. Medical insurance and California. For most plans, prescription coverage separate from the primary recovery in the form of copayments. Almost all plans today's market, between generic and brand products.
Insurance have a form or list of drugs they believe to be efficient and profitable.
In the generic drugs are cheap, and usually have a lower charge (about $ 10 on average), that not all franchises.
The form of branded drugs are expensive and are often patented medicines, which are advertised and marketed. In general, drugs, above. In general, these drugs associated with a higher copayment (an average of about $ 30) after the deductible is performed sign. This is a franchise for $ 250-750 per year (per member) for each family in California health insurance California, $ 150-250 for a small group health insurance. As a franchise, usually for one person (in a political family) and will be on January 1, regardless of when the plan. Who pays for brand name drugs until the deductible amount on only one brand drug copayment ($ 30, for example).
This is sometimes referred to as Class 3, not a brand formulary apportionment. This means that the drug is very expensive and less costly alternatives. For most plans, you pay a certain percentage of the cost for what may be a little more out of the bag with the brand is not cutting formula.
You can change the value to ask your doctor whether a general equivalent. Some plans do not mark all the medicines, to ensure that this development is very expensive medications (10 thousand U.S. dollars) for the exotic.
3. Almost all the rest. Most of the other benefits coverage (laboratory, radiology, emergency operations, hospitals) are generally the most important issues to be deducted. This is one of the issues raised in his budget request for the health of California. The average deductible amount, no deductible up to $ 5000 on average. A typical deductible per person (usually up to two people in the family) and will be restored, and January 1. If you have 2 members in the majority, it means that if two people have their own franchise in a calendar year, other family members are not required.
The note ... ČSA health savings account plan deductibles are cumulative. This means that the family deductible (for two or more persons in the policy) is not fulfilled, for each person in the political life, until the family is deemed to be satisfied franchisees. For example, if the deductible is $ 2400 and the family deductible is $ 4800, an individual plan for the family is not deductible to $ 4800 was achieved. Other family members have your franchise. In principle, all people in the work of family planning in the $ 4800 deductible.
If the deductible or co-insurance, or enter the proportion of shares in the company, acquires 100%. For example, if your deductible to $ 2500, but coinsurance share is 30%, with a maximum of $ 7500th sack Say you have a hospital charges $ 80,000 (over the net, for the good). You pay the first $ 2500, you pay 30% on other Pocket $ 5000 In essence, you pay $ 7500 (maximum of pocket), and the carrier pays the $ 72500. In some plans, in case of a prolonged and tax base. Deductible and Max out of pocket, two other important elements for your health insurance offer.
When comparing health insurance online, is the category above that most of the web page is displayed for comparison. Before leaving there and compare health insurance plans to get a general idea about the plans that you may have. Then compare the plans until you find that in your budget.
Understanding and comparing health insurance in California
Labels: Health Insurance